Page 34 - Mini-Module 11
P. 34

Try to state the problem dispassionately and without judgement. You
                                      would  not  say:  'Our  performance  over  the  last  quarter  has  been
                                      dreadful'; or 'The teachers have not been doing their jobs very well.'
                                      You  would  be  making  judgements  before  you  have  even  given  any
                                      facts. It would be better to say: 'There was a 15 per cent drop in out
                                      students’ performance on standardized tests.'
                                      It  is  always  tempting  to  start  introducing  your  own  opinions  when
                                      outlining the problems. This is because you probably have some notion
                                      about  the  possible  cause.  At  this  stage,  however,  you  are  only
                                      interested in an objective statement of what the problem is.
                                      Now  comes  some  difficult  advice:  Look  at  the  problem  from  the
                                      perspectives  of  other  interested  parties.  How  does  it  affect  other
                                      leaders,  teachers,  parents  and  students?  Similarly,  when  you  look  at
                                      potential solutions, you should also consider the possible impact on the
                                      same groups.

                                 4.   Background to Problem
                                     The  background  to  the  problem  is  not  quite  the  same  as  setting  the
                                     scene,  although  the  two  may  be  related.  Imagine  you  could  have  a
                                     picture of the issue from a few miles above it. You would be able to see
                                     all the relevant forces on it. You have to do this for the reader: give
                                     them a bird's eye view. But do it succinctly. We hear leaders say: 'But it
                                     is  a  very  complex  issue;  it  needs  a  vast  amount  of  background.'
                                     Complex it may be, but it does not alter the fact that the recipient may
                                     not  read  it.  You  have  to  be  selective  and  only  include  that  material
                                     which is of critical relevance. Then you have to condense the amount of
                                     information to something which can be easily read.

                                 5.   Methods of Collecting Information
                                      Explain  briefly  how  you  investigated  the  problem  (e.g.  interviewed
                                      someone, inspected official records, etc.). In doing this, just answer the
                                      obvious questions your reader might ask. You do not have to go into
                                      extensive  detail  about  the  duration  of  interviews,  the  structure  of
                                      questionnaires and so forth. If the method really has high relevance to
                                      the  report,  you  could  always  include  important  documents  in  the

                                 ●    Outline the purpose and scope of the report.

                                 ●    State for whom it is written.
                                 ●    Give relevant details of the situation.
                                 ●    Explain the problem clearly.
                                 ●    Give background information to the problem.

                                 ●    Explain briefly how you collected information or ‘evidence’.

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