Page 32 - Mini-Module 11
P. 32

Figure 7:  Report Outline

                     SUMMARY                                           Emphasise major conclusions and


                          Terms of reference.                          Delimit the report.

                          Relevant situation details.                  Set the scene for the reader.

                          Statement of problem.

                          Background to problem.                       Give the bird’s eye view.

                          Methods of collecting information.

                     MAIN BODY

                          Facts and findings.                          Presented straightforwardly.

                          Discussions.                                 Analysis of findings,
                                                                       putting them in perspective.

                     CONCLUSIONS                                       Arrived at logically from the
                                                                       reasoning in the discussion.

                     RECOMMENDATIONS                                   Made in specific terms.
                                                                       Include implications
                                                                       (resources, reactions, etc.)

                     FINAL COMMENTS                                    Reinforce major recommendations and

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