Page 20 - Mini-Module 11
P. 20

Subheadings  are  particularly  important  for  the  report  reader.  The
                                 document is not so daunting to the reader if they can see it is broken
                                 up into coherent sections. This will also help the attention span to be
                                 maintained.  Furthermore,  the  reader  may  only  be  interested  in  one
                                 issue, and if she cannot find it quickly, she may not bother to read the
                                 document at all.
                                 In the above example, you can then use subheadings to explain each of
                                 the points on the list:
                             1.  Increased Subject Autonomy
                             There  is  evidence  to  suggest  that  relatively  minor  decisions  are  being
                             referred to the Head of MS. This will affect our teaching effectiveness if
                             we cannot respond quickly to their needs. HoDs should therefore be able
                             to do the following without permission:
                                                    ●    More students between levels.
                                                    ●    Select own themes and textbooks.

                                 At this point let’s draw a few of these features together. Look at the
                                 passage  in  Task  Two  and  see  if  you  can  improve  its  readability  by
                                 splitting it up, giving it a better visual shape and drawing out headings.
                                 Try doing the exercise before you look at the possible solution which
                                 follows.  You should find that you have made the passage less daunting
                                 than the example given. It should have a better visual appearance and
                                 the  subheadings  should  cover  the  main  topics.  If  you  want  to  refer
                                 therefore  to  the  issue  of  overtime,  you  should  be  able  to  find  the
                                 appropriate part without having to search through the whole piece of
                                 writing. If you really wanted to improve it of course, you could change
                                 some of the words and alter the way the ideas are expressed. In the
                                 example  in  Figure  5,  we  have  not  changed  the  words,  but  tried  to
                                 improve  the  passage  through  the  use  of  subheadings  and  shorter
                                 sentences and paragraphs, and where possible, we have tried to list
                                 ideas .

                            6.  Third Person
                                 In  report  writing,  it  is  common  practice  to  use  the  third‐person
                                            not ‘I interviewed the Head of LS’;
                                            but 'The Head of LS was interviewed.’
                                 The reason for this is that it depersonalises your work and makes it
                                 sound more objective. There are some moves to reverse this process
                                 and  in  the  end  it  is  a  personal  decision,  but  by  and  large  many  still
                                 prefer reports written without the pronouns 'I' and 'we'.
                                 Despite this, there are some persuasive arguments for making reports
                                 more 'human' and showing that they are written by people for people
                                 and  usually  about  people.  You  have  to  consider  your  own  style
                                 preference and that of your school. Whichever you choose to use, be
                                 consistent and stick with it throughout the report.

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