Page 25 - Mini-Module 11
P. 25

We purposely took an extreme example of a badly written report passage to
                       illustrate a point. Not all reports are quite as bad as that, but  some are even
                       worse.  Try  deciphering  the  instructions  in  income  tax  forms  in  some
                       countries or the content of legal documents. Many of these contain genuine
                       'gobbledegook'. It is so easy to let your reports become like that. You start
                       using long words where shorter ones will do; writing sentences which never
                       end; before you know it, the whole thing is unintelligible. You are probably
                       aware of one of the best pieces of advice given: KISS ‐ Keep It Simple Stupid.
                       This is particularly true of reports.

                       You should have arrived at the following Fog Index figures: 83 for the wordy
                       passage and 24 for the simpler one. You may be skilful enough to write even
                       better  than  the  second  example,  but  as  long  as  you  can  keep  the  index
                       below 30, you are writing clearly enough.
                       Now take a piece of your own writing, any piece you like, and calculate your
                       Fog  Index.  Ideally  it  should  be  a  report  or  a  document  which  you  have
                       written for colleagues at work. If you do not have these, then one page of an
                       assignment  or  other  piece  of  writing  would  do.  It  is  fine  to  base  the
                       assessment on one page, as that is a good guide to the rest of the content.
                       Take a random page though rather than one which may be uncharacteristic!

                       Having understood the features of the index, you should be able to have
                       some impact on your writing immediately. In Task Three you are asked to
                       make sense of a wordy passage that it is difficult to understand.

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