Page 18 - Mini-Module 11
P. 18

1.   Short Words
                                    Your reports  should be readable, preferably using short words which
                                    are  easy  to  understand.  Many  of  us  fall  into  the  trap  of  using  long
                                    words  when  there  is  a  simpler  alternative.  Don’t  be  like  many
                                    academics who seem to feel that using complicated words make them
                                    look clever. If you look at some academic journals, there are a lot of
                                    clever  people  around,  if  you  use  that  criterion.   However,  the  best
                                    leaders,  writers  and  researchers  are  the  ones  who  can  simplify  their
                                    ideas. They know what they are talking about and they do their best to
                                    ensure we know what they are talking about, unlike some writers who
                                    do not seem to want you to understand a single sentence! It is a sign of
                                    maturity that one can clarify their thinking and then present the ideas
                                    using words that everyone can understand.
                                    Of course there are certain jargon words which you may have to use.
                                    Most  of  the  time,  however,  you  could  possibly  be  using  simpler
                                    language. A useful test is to take an idea which you have to present in
                                    writing  to  your  colleagues  in  the  near  future.  Read  it  to  someone  at
                                    home (not your two‐year‐old child) who is not familiar with your work.
                                    If he or she can understand, you have probably done a good job.

                               2.   Short Sentences
                                    The  use  of  short,  simple  sentences  is  more  effective  than  elaborate
                                    prose. This needs lots of time and practice. The writing of an important
                                    report  is  the  time  to  practise,  because  it  is  worth  the  investment  of
                                    time and effort to get it right. When you have written the report, go
                                    through  it  and  see  if  you  can  break  up  your  sentences  into  smaller
                                    Short sentences convey ideas more easily. When you look at the fog
                                    index  section  below,  you  will  see  how  confusing  it  is  when  the
                                    sentences become excessively long. You do not have to be short and
                                    abrupt of course. The style in the report at the end of the booklet is like
                                    this, but it was done for a purpose. You can have a more flowing style,
                                    but still try to avoid including too many ideas in one sentence.

                               3.   Short Paragraphs
                                    We  have  already  explained  how  short  paragraphs  improve  the  visual
                                    appearance  and  improve  message  transmission.  You  can  go  through
                                    the same report you have written and then try to reduce the size of the
                                    paragraphs.  You  will  often  find  you  can  do  this  without  too  much
                                    trouble, because as soon as there is a break in the idea, you can start a
                                    new  paragraph.  Do  not  worry  if  your  paragraph  is  only  two  or  three
                                    lines  long.  That  does  not  matter  so  long  as  you  are  improving  your
                                    chances  of  getting  the  message  across  accurately.  In  a  report,  once
                                    your paragraph has reached seven or eight lines, you ought to look for
                                    a way of breaking it up sensibly.
                                    Try  to  put the  main  idea of  the  paragraph  in  the  first  sentence. This
                                    creates the impact for the rest of the paragraph and complies with the
                                    principle outlined earlier of putting the end at the front.
                                    Journalists are experts at putting these principles into practice (if not
                                    always  accurately).  Newspapers  have  to  be  easy  to  read  (even  the
                                    serious ones) or they do not sell. Look at a newspaper and examine the
                                    words used, the sentence lengths and also the paragraph sizes. You do
                                    not have to write in journalistic style, but you may improve your report
                                    writing by following the same basic principles.

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