Page 24 - Mini-Module 11
P. 24

Read the passage below which is taken from a management report:
                      Because of the excessively high level of unemployment in this particular area, and
                      indeed  in  the  region,  it  is  desirable  to  consider  the  possibility  of  creating  an
                      industrial park in the vicinity of the coastline near enough to the port to allow for
                      adequate accessibility to those facilities, although it has to be recognised that this
                      would  necessitate  cutting  through  large  amounts  of  agricultural  land.  This,  of
                      course,  may  not  be  politically  acceptable  and  there  is  bound  to  be  strong
                      opposition from environmental lobbies and other pressure groups, particularly the
                      owner occupiers in the area. Nevertheless, unemployment is a distressing problem
                      and  the  need  to  attract  industry  will  almost  certainly  mean  taking  some  hard
                      decisions, although every effort should be made to preserve existing amenities and
                      to protect residents as far as possible through landscaping, otherwise the areas
                      which currently attract tourism will become less popular and that will affect the
                      livelihoods  of  many  which  can  not  be  offset  even  with  the  introduction  of  new
                      industrial operations. The whole issue will have to be presented in a persuasive
                      way to the local population, because strong opposition could affect the regional
                      development  programme  and  have  a  considerable  impact  on  the  region's
                      economy  which  would  prevent  the  opportunity  to  make  inroads  into  the
                      unemployment problem insofar as prospective manufacturing industries have time
                      and  time  again  shown  they  are  sceptical  about  establishing  operations  in  areas
                      where local support is not forthcoming.

                   How clear is that extract to you? You may have some idea of the message, but
                   you probably found some parts confusing. The last sentence in particular loses
                   the reader because there are so many ideas. Now calculate the fog index.

                   Is the same information contained in the passage below?
                      Something must be done about the high level of unemployment in the area. An
                      industrial park should be set up and it should be near the coast with easy access to
                      the port. This will  mean losing some  agricultural land and  there is  bound to be
                      strong  opposition.  Since  local  support  is  needed  to  attract  new  businesses,
                      residents must be convinced that the scheme is right. This may be done by keeping
                      amenities and making sure the area remains visually attractive. This is also vital
                      from the tourism point of view. Tourists provide a source of living for many locals.

                   Do you find that easier to read and assimilate? You should do, because it uses
                   shorter  words  and  shorter  sentences.  It  also  takes  the  key  ideas  and
                   condenses them. Now calculate the fog index for this passage.

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