Page 17 - Mini-Module 11
P. 17

Figure 3:  Report Sample A

                        2.2  Members of both departments have a positive attitude towards
                             the merger and are committed to its future success.
                        2.3  The new management structure should consist of the Head of
                             English Language and Liberal Studies and an advisory group of
                        2.4  The Department will be responsible for staff identification and
                        2.5  The Panel Chairs will be members of senior management team
                             and liaise with the 3 main feeder primary schools.

                        You will notice that Figure 3 comprises recommendations, and they are in
                        the second section of the report. The author decided that this was the part
                        the principal was waiting for, so why keep her waiting? It was a final report.
                        Figure 4 is from an 'interim' report, a description of work in progress on the

                        Figure 4:  Report Sample B

                        Reorganisation of two existing departments is never comfortable; for
                        every person who gains, there are those who suffer a loss of identity.
                        Whilst  most  of  us  try  to  manage  in  our  jobs  at  the  level  of  the
                        rational and logical, the emotional and gut reaction is never far from
                        the surface.

                        It   would   be   unforgivable   not   to   record   the   feelings   and
                        disillusionment  expressed  by  some  of  the  teachers  interviewed,
                        when  they  reviewed  the  present  situation  in  which  they  found
                        themselves in relation to past experience or hopes. Little can be done
                        with such a depth of feeling at the rational level save to understand
                        how it arises. What must be said is that the frustration felt by some
                        has a disproportionate effect.

                        Note the use of language which creates images in the mind. Despite the fact
                        that there are certain guidelines, they are not 'rules' and there are times
                        when  you  can  deviate  from  established  procedures  to  create  the  sort  of
                        effect you are after.  Many reports are a bit too formal and some are even a
                        few  years  out  of  date  (herein  contained,  thereafter)!  There  are  many
                        circumstances  where  it  is  better  to  be  more  conversational  to  avoid
                        obscuring what you are trying to say by using overā€formal expressions.

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