Page 15 - Mini-Module 11
P. 15

Figure 2:  Page Layout

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                  The first one is like an old‐fashioned textbook. The person who receives such a report is
                  probably  bored  before  they  even  start  reading.  It  either  looks  like  many  other
                  documents she receive or it compares unfavourably. Long, uninterrupted paragraphs
                  without  subtitles  not  only  make  reading  difficult,  but  also  make  the  appearance

                  The second page is entirely different. There is less to read (a good point) because the
                  writer  has  probably  managed  to  condense  his  ideas  into  shorter  passages  and  then
                  convey information  through  the titles. It looks inviting.

                  The sections and subsections help you to understand how the ideas are broken up. It
                  does the work for you. You do not have to start working out how one idea is related to
                  another; it is done visually. It is not compulsory to have diagrams. Breaking up the text
                  is sufficient. Graphics and other visual aids however definitely enhance appearance and
                  we suggest you look at ways of incorporating them if they are relevant. If they do not
                  make a contribution to the understanding of the message at that point however, do not
                  use them.

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