Page 19 - Mini-Module 11
P. 19

4.   Short Reports
                            Newspapers also keep the length of articles relatively short. They have
                            to allocate advertising space, otherwise they may reduce income! You
                            do  not  have  to  worry  about  that  in  your  reports,  but  you  are  well
                            advised to keep your reports as short as possible. One of my former
                            bosses, of whom their have been many, used to say to me regularly:
                            'Write  me  a  report  on  your  recommendations!  On  one  side  of  A4
                            please.'  What  she  was  saying  was  that  she  did  not  want  to  read
                            anything longer.  Can you understand that sentiment? There are some
                            who go so far as to say that if you cannot summarise your ideas in one
                            page, you have not clarified your thinking sufficiently. They may have a
                            Most of the important reports you write will exceed one page. This is
                            inevitable in view of the information you have to provide. Bear in mind
                            however that quantity is not the same as quality. Some people seem to
                            have worked to link the two. The thicker it is, the more work has been
                            put in! That is what they would like you to believe. We would also add
                            that there is more work for the reader! Wherever possible, keep your
                            reports short and sweet, by pruning them and leaving only the essential
                            information concisely written. If you do this with your next few reports,
                            you  will  find  that  it  becomes  increasingly  easier  to  write  succinct
                            reports  first  time  round.  You  will  always  need  to  have  a  final  read
                            through of course, but you will not need to do quite so much remedial

                        5.   Lists and Subheadings
                            You  will  notice  in  this  booklet  that  we  have  frequently  used
                            subheadings and lists to separate ideas to make the key points easier to
                            identify. It is possible to keep lists of items in traditional paragraphs but
                            that does not give the same visual appearance and it generally makes
                            the passage more difficult to read. Arranging vertical lists actually does
                            the  work  for  the  reader,  because  that  is  what  he  is  trying  to  do
                            mentally when a number of points are made in a paragraph. Look at
                            the following and decide which is the clearer, the first version or the

                        VERSION 1                         VERSION 2
                        The vice‐principal has reviewed the   In  his  review  of  the  middle  school,
                        work  of  the  middle  school  and   the vice‐principal has identified the
                        concluded   that   there   are    following benefits from splitting up
                        advantages  in  splitting  up  some  of   some of the functions:
                        the functions currently done only by
                        the  Head  of  MS.  These  advantages   ●   Increased subject autonomy.
                        are  increased  autonomy  to  the   ●   Reduced duplication of work.
                        subject departments, a reduction in
                        duplication   of   work,   more   ●   More innovative responses to
                        innovative   responses   to   student   student needs.
                        needs   and   a   reduction   in   the   Less   time   spent   on
                        amount  of  time  spent  by  teachers   ●
                        on administration.                    administration.

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