Page 10 - Phase 4 - Achieving success by building your team's Entrepreneurial Capacity
P. 10

Communication & Evaluation

            Reflective dialogue
            Reflective dialogue refers to the ‘extensive and continuing conversation among teachers about

            curriculum, instruction, and student development’ (Newmann et al., 1996). Aside from formal
            communication channels like meetings, leaders may consider using  informal communication
            channels to build a relationship, generate ideas, disseminate information, and test the feedback
            with his/her teammates. When a leader is trying to build up informal communication channels,
            he/she should comply with the following practices—

                    Select a feasible method
                    Explain your idea/difficulty explicitly
                    Identify a suitable time
                    Make sure the chosen person for interaction is suitable


            In the context of initiating new ideas, evaluation is about assessing colleagues’ willingness with
            adapting new ideas and bringing them into practice.

            Level of use

            Identifying colleagues’ level of use enables the leader to check the effectiveness and adaption of
            the new tools, as well as helps to  seek improvement and scale-up. The level of use can be
            summarised in the below scale—

              Level   Classification  Description

                                                    Re-evaluates the quality of use of the innovation, seek a
                6                       Renewal
                                                    major modification
                                                    Is combining own efforts to use the innovation with related
                5                     Integration   activities
               4B                     Refinement    Varies the use of the innovation

               4A                       Routine     Use of the innovation is stabilised

                3                     Mechanical    Focus on day-to-day use without reflection
                2                     Preparation   Is preparing for the first use of the innovation

                                                    Has recently acquired or is acquiring information about the
                1       Non-users     Orientation

                0                      Non-use      Has little or no knowledge of the innovation

   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14