Page 12 - Phase 4 - Achieving success by building your team's Entrepreneurial Capacity
P. 12
Structuring evaluation
The collected data could also be used to reflect on the school’s environments, reconsidering the
school’s direction, re-establishing policies, re-planning action programmes and reorganising
structures. It can be used as a tool to help individuals, groups and the school to learn, to improve
and to develop (Cheng, 2013). We propose the following steps for you to construct the evaluation.
STEP 1 Prepare your mind
Start with learning-centred questions, e.g. were there any specific objectives or tasks with which
multiple students across grade levels appeared to struggle? Recall the ultimate goal of your
innovation. Stick to the meeting memo.
STEP 2 Prepare your data set
Make sure your data set is clear and easy to follow. Highlight data with significant
impact/implication. Common practices include stoplight highlighting (determine cut values to
highlight the data) and Christmas tree highlighting (e.g. green for ‘passing’, red for ‘lower
STEP 3 Limit the scope of the meeting
Report no more than three issues and limit the maximum number of discussion topics to three in
each meeting.
STEP 4 Prepare your next steps, invite colleagues to fill the table Advancement in the future
Evidence of Impact
Area for Improvement
Practice (Three reports) (Three discussions) (Planning for next stages)
Task 1 Statistic data 1. Checking status Explore good practise for
Colleagues data 2. Operational solution further development
Task 2
Invite colleagues
Task 3 to state their practice
STEP 5 Building collective intelligence
The final step is to build collective intelligence. Avoid making decisions immediately. Instead, an
entrepreneurial teacher leader conducts reflective dialogue and makes consensus with core
team members. He should reflect the areas for improvement and advancement in the future
with the core team members. They should also decide the operational measure for the
upcoming term and prepare for advancement in the preceding academic year.