Page 5 - Phase 4 - Achieving success by building your team's Entrepreneurial Capacity
P. 5

Capacity Building

            Capacity Building

            To develop the human, social and decisional capital of your team members, you should first
            understand the context and mission of your team/ committee. Capacity building involves the
            following processes—


            Once the team is formed, the leader needs to understand the characters of their team members.
            One of the most common tools is the DISC model proposed by psychologist William Moulton
            Marston, which assess a person’s behaviour in four areas: Dominance (D), Influence (I),
            Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C).

                         Direct and Decisive. They are strong-willed, strong-minded people who like accepting
                         challenges, taking action, and getting immediate results.

                         Optimistic and Outgoing. They are ‘people-people’ who like participating in teams, sharing
                         ideas, and energising and entertaining others.

                         Sympathetic and Cooperative. They are helpful people who like working behind the scenes,
                         performing in consistent and predictable ways, and being good.

                         Concerned and Correct. They are sticklers for quality and like planning ahead, employing
                         systematic approaches, and checking and re-checking for accuracy.

            After assessing the personality of the team members, the leader needs to create feasible patterns

            and assign appropriate duties to his/her team members that optimise the output of the team.

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