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Lunch Time Mindful Oasis Series


From the fall of 2019, The Integrated Centre for Wellbeing (I-WELL) regularly organized Lunch Time Mindful Oasis Series (「靜觀綠洲」午間小敘) with 8 sessions in 2019-2020 school year to EdUHK staff and students in collaboration with Human Resources Office and Student Affairs Office. Three sessions, with different topics, had been conducted since October 2019, featuring diverse mindfulness practice experiences as led by experienced Mindfulness teachers.

The first session, “Mindful connection in school and home” ( 靜觀 師生 父母心) , was held on 15 Oct 2019 by Ms Esther Kwok, Senior Lecturer of Department of Special Education and Counselling of EdUHK, and Co-opted Member of I-WELL Centre Management Committee (CMC). “Ice Exercise”, adopted from Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP), was the highlight of the session encouraging the participants to have a taste of embracing difficulties with grounded on Mindful breathing.

The second session, “Five ways to well-being and experience of Mindful Baduanjin.” (生活在五常及靜觀八段錦之初體驗), was led by Dr. Sunny Chan, Assistant Professor of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, on 25 Oct, 2019. The objective was to cultivate mental well-being through five different important evidence-based actions (i.e. to give; to be mindful; to be active; to connect; and to learn) with a highlight of experiencing “Mindful Baduanjin”

The third session, “Ancient Wisdom of Dealing with Anger – Education Context.” (處理憤怒的古老智慧—教育篇), was conducted on 7 Nov 2019 by Dr Elsa Lau, Lecturer of Department of Special Education and Counselling of EdUHK, Co-opted member of I-WELL CMC. Dr. Lau took the opportunity to share some ancient wisdom of handling anger and negative emotions in educational context through cultivating awareness and loving-kindness.

More sessions, such as Mindful Yoga, Mindful Self-compassion, Non-violence Mindfulness and Tea Zen, etc., will be launched in 2020. Please stay tuned and we look forward to your participation nourishing self and others in peace.
