Page 12 - Postcard
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How to write a
Links Postcard
Some people say there are a finite number of steps to build an effective postcard.
Most people don’t need advice on how to write a postcard, but we’ve included a
few clues below for those who like instructions. Many of the steps apply to just
about any sharing of ideas:
Step 1: Read, listen, search the web and notice things.
A good metaphor for writing a postcard is that it is like reading the Sunday
newspaper with your partner or friend. You are enjoying the morning, a nice
cup of coffee, browsing through the newspaper, skimming this, reading that,
sometimes making ‘tut-tut’ noises, not looking for anything in particular.
You’re enjoying the down-time, when you come across an interesting titbit of
information to share with your friend. Usually it starts with, “Hmmm now here’s
something interesting, it says here that …” Or “What a lot of nonsense, listen to
this, will you … ?“ Or, “Did you read this piece? It says that …” And sometimes,
the information will lead to an interesting discussion and sometimes even to
some sort of activity or change.
For some younger Links participants, a better metaphor might be that writing
a postcard is like browsing the web and poking your Facebook friends via
Newsfeed. It goes something like this:
Marcia likes Barack Obama’s Commencement Speech
President Obama gives uplifting commencement address at Booker T.
Washington High School. This is really interesting for the insight into
the new USA educational reform policies. Worth a look.
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