Page 7 - Postcard
P. 7

Learning Postcards

               During Links you will be asked to prepare a Learning Postcard.  This is a short,
               incisive piece of writing accompanied by images which you believe are worth
               sharing with other leaders.  The activity is based on the principle that an idea
               worth  thinking  about  is  also  worth  keeping,  and  anything  that  is  thought-
               provoking is worth sharing with colleagues.

               A Postcard contains a message and a picture that when taken together provoke a
               thought, a smile, a conversation, a reaction, or even, we hope, change.

               Some of the different purposes of a Postcard may be to:
                  1.  Share a problem you are facing at school (written of course to protect
                      the innocent, and the guilty).
                  2.  Share  something  you  have  learned  recently,  either  at  school,
                      during PD, or from life in general.
                  3.  Share  an  issue  about  which  you  want  to  provoke  a  reaction  or
                      challenge people to think in a different way.
                  4.  Pose  a  question  you’ve  always  wanted  answered,  but  can’t  quite
                      get to.
                  5.  Share  a  technique  or  something  interesting  you’ve  come  across
                      that will improve your colleagues’ leadership or lives.

                  6.  Share something relatively unimportant but fun.
               In short, the purpose is to stimulate both your thinking and others’ learning.  It
               is also to make your learning more relevant.  In other words it comes from YOU
               – so it is more applicable to your own life and those you wish to reach than if
               someone else were to write it.
               A Learning Postcard is like a commercial one, with a picture on one side and a
               brief statement on the other.  It should be postcard-sized and able to be posted
               in either hard copy or online.  We’d like you to send it to us in digital format so
               we can print it out and then post it, if appropriate, just like a standard postcard
               in the mail.

               You  will  write  one  Links  Postcard  during  the  programme,  and  this  will  be
               distributed to all Links participants.  You will be given a schedule of when yours
               will be due.

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