Page 10 - Postcard
P. 10
Why Write a
Links Postcard?
Ideas can spring from a short piece in newspapers, an idea sparked by a viral
YouTube clip, a passage in a novel read on a plane, a sentence uttered by a political
commentator on TV, a poster for a forthcoming play, a better of complaint from
a parent, a slogan on a mini-bus, a conversation between friends at Starbucks,
information learnt at a public lecture, a recruitment advertisement by a head-
hunting agency, a poem, something shared at a conference, something learnt in
a workshop, something observed in the classroom of a colleague … in fact from
almost anywhere.
Sir Terry Pratchett (of Discworld fame) put it beautifully when he wrote that
ideas come down from the heavens, but sometimes strike bricks and sometimes
ants and sometimes, but not very often, perceptive people (this is not a quote,
Pratchett fans, but a very liberal paraphrasing).
We believe that innovative and effective leaders actively seek out new ideas from
everywhere, and when they find them they like to share them with colleagues.
Hence, we are asking you to write one postcard and send them to us through
email for us to redistribute through the post.
If everyone does this, by the end of the Links programme,
you will have received a raft of interesting, thought-
provoking ideas that you can collect and use to stimulate
your leadership.