Page 16 - Postcard
P. 16

How to write a

               Links Postcard

               Step 7:  Design Your Card.

               Try to keep the design simple and easy to scan, because (again) you really only
               have until the recipient reaches the trash or the recycling bin to get your point
               across. If you can say what you need to say in a sentence, then don’t say it in a
               paragraph.  It should be no more than 50 words altogether.

               Step 8:  Include Tracking.

               Don’t forget to include the reference so that others can find the original source.
               Include your own email address if you would like others to contact you to share
               their thoughts on your postcard.  Who knows?  You might really start something
               with your postcard.  You might start your own educational reform movement …
               strange things have happened.

               Step 9:  Send Your Card.

               Once your card is finished, you’ll obviously need to send it out.  We will take care
               of that.  Email it to us at .

               Step 10:  Collect the whole set.

               As you send out your postcard and receive others (you might get about 50!)
               collect them and use them to add to your leadership platform and stimulate
               conversations in your school.

                  I’m  afraid  we  will  have  to  retain  the  right  to  change

                  language  and/or  images  we  deem  offensive,  but  we
                  won’t do this without consulting with you.

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