Page 15 - Postcard
P. 15

Step 4:  Select an Eye-Catching Image.

               The image is an important part of the card.  An eye-catching image could land
               your card on a recipient’s refrigerator for the next three months, or, even better,
               make them want to flip the card over and see what you’re offering them by way
               of interesting leadership information.

               A few years ago, this would have been difficult, but now you can take photos
               with your camera and upload them incredibly easily.  Think of it like a Facebook
               upload, and you can’t go wrong.

               A funny or striking image that fits your postcard’s message is never a bad choice.
               If you don’t want to provide an image of your own, then you can always choose
               an image from the many online images freely available .

               Step 5:  Read, listen, search the web, and notice things.

               The headline on your card is like the subject line of an email.  It should be short
               and interesting, with the image to make recipients want to read what you have
               to say.  Try something quirky and offbeat to attract attention to your message.
               Instead of “Marcia Likes Barrack Obama’s Speech” how about “Lid’s Off US Ed
               Reform Agenda — With Real Implications for US.”

               Step 6:  Clarify Your Message.

               It  can  be  tempting  to  write  a  long  explanation  of  why  you  found  a  piece  of
               information interesting and why people should take action based on it, but that
               is the wrong way to go. Your postcard should be easy to read and understand in
               the time it takes a recipient to walk from mailbox into house.  Otherwise, your
               card could end up in the garbage without making the impact you wanted.

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