Page 25 - Mini-Module 9
P. 25

The Code of Aid, and Employment of

                                 Teachers and Staff

                             This Codes of Aid prescribe the rules and conditions in accordance with

                             which the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
                             provides grants to such schools as may be approved for this purpose by
                             the Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower. There is a

                             separate Code for primary, secondary, and special schools (including
                             practical schools and skills opportunity schools). A principal of an aided
                             school must be thoroughly familiar with the respective Code and the
                             Guidelines and Forms related to  Codes of Aid for Aided Primary,

                             Secondary and Special Schools.

                             Apart from the Education Ordinance and its subsidiary legislation, all

                             aided schools must comply with the provisions of the respective Code
                             of Aid and such instructions as the Permanent Secretary may from time
                             to time issue. While there is not likely to be a criminal sanction if there
                             is a failure to comply with the Code, funding and administration could

                             be affected and a Principal will need to be thoroughly familiar with the
                             relevant Code of Aid.

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