Page 24 - Mini-Module 9
P. 24

Tenure and Function of Principals in Aided

                         Generally a person shall not be employed as a Principal of an aided
                         school if he would be aged 60 years or more at the commencement of

                         such employment, or continue to be employed for a school year if he
                         has attained the age of 60 years or more before the commencement of
                         the school year.
                         The Principal of a school shall,  subject to the directions of the

                         management committee or IMC (as may be appropriate), be
                         responsible for the teaching and discipline of the school and for such
                         purposes shall have authority over the teachers and pupils of the

                         school. The Permanent Secretary may address the Principal of a school
                         on any matter relating to the teaching and discipline in the school, and
                         in such case the Principal shall conduct correspondence directly with
                         the Permanent Secretary.

                         Section 55 of the Education Ordinance provides for the tenure of the
                         Principal in the following terms:

                         Section 55:  The principal of a school shall hold office until-
                         (a)  he ceases to be registered as a teacher, or to be permitted to
                              teach as a permitted teacher in the school;

                         (b) he resigns;
                         (c)  the Permanent Secretary withdraws his approval of the principal
                              under section  56; or

                         (d)  the Permanent Secretary approves another teacher of the school
                              as the principal under section 57(2).

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