Page 19 - Mini-Module 6
P. 19

Developing a map of the school that charts where bullying
                           most often occurs, is an exercise in commitment and a
                           demonstration of shared ideas.  If staff and students are able
                           to say categorically that there are places in the school that
                           are more unsafe than others, then it is admitting that there is
                           a problem.  This is the first step towards developing a school
                           culture that does not tolerate bullying.

                         Step 5:   Build a Supervision Plan
                           Includes the following processes:

                             ●    determining  staff  role  in  supervision  including
                                  clarifying their authority.

                             ●    ensuring consistent consequences for bullying.
                             ●    implementing staff training  for effective supervision,
                                  including mediation skills, dealing with aggression,
                             ●    identifying areas at high risk for bullying.
                             ●    planning strategies for reducing the opportunities for
                                  bullying (computer room open at lunch time to take
                                  children out of the school yard, reducing ‘blind spots’,
                                  monitoring toilets, etc).
                             Well-planned supervision that includes the identification of
                             high-risk areas, the training of staff, and giving staff the
                             authority to act, is the practical manifestation of any
                             school-wide bullying prevention program.
                             Issues relevant to the supervision include:
                             ●    the covert nature of some types of bullying that
                                  makes it difficult to identify e.g. ostracism, teasing.
                             ●    recognition that students cannot always solve all their
                                  own problems.

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