Page 21 - Mini-Module 6
P. 21

Step 6:   Develop a Response Plan
                           Includes detailing guidelines and procedures for responding
                           to bullying:

                             ●    a system for recording and tracking incidents of
                                  bullying behaviour.
                             ●    ways of supporting students who are bullied.
                             ●    ways of responding to students who bully.
                             ●    strategies for students who witness bullying.
                             ●    mediation for all parties involved in a bullying
                             ●    positive programs for explicit learning that reduce

                           The following is one example of a ‘Response Plan’ for school

                         1.      When a child is bullied
                            ●    Do not minimize, rationalize, or explain the behaviour away. Tell the
                                 student that you hear and understand what is happening so that he or
                                 she does not feel helpless and alone.
                            ●    Reassure the child that what is happening is not his or her fault. This is
                                 critical because bullying's effects can last into adulthood.
                            ●    Teach children how to respond appropriately. Encourage children who
                                 are being bullied verbally to stand up for themselves and not to permit
                                 others to be bullied when they are present -  there are no innocent
                            ●    Encourage children to report bullying that they experience or witness.
                                 As educators, we need to make it clear through strong antibullying
                                 programs and procedures that this behaviour will not be tolerated in

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