Page 18 - Mini-Module 6
P. 18

It is also the case the more positive attention is paid to the
                               child who bullies than to the child who is bullied, the other
                               children would see the child who bullies as being rewarded.
                               The result is a reinforcing of the bullying behaviour.

                               When onlookers do intervene – in positive ways - they are
                               often effective in stopping bullying.   Of course children
                               need to learn how to intervene in ways that are not an
                               escalation of the bullying.  Care needs to be taken that
                               children who intervene do not themselves become the
                               target of bullying.

                          Step 4:   Create a statement of School Vision and Values
                            Includes the following processes:

                              ●    pulling together a statement of values and vision re
                                   bullying - from the ideas, views and beliefs of all staff
                                   and students.
                              ●    developing a ‘bullying map’ that charts the specific
                                   issues of the school.
                              ●    finding ways of getting productive input from parents.

                              ●    finalising the ‘statement of values and vision’ by
                                   Action Team.

                            A statement of shared values/beliefs is a code of practice
                            that will guide the work of your Action Team in the
                            prevention of bullying.   Shared values and principles gave
                            the team:

                              ●    a willingness to try new initiatives but within a values
                              ●    confidence to ‘buck the trend’ and to question.
                              ●    confidence to lead by example in a climate of change.
                              ●    a recognition that it is important to work on the
                                   conditions for improvement as well as the improve-
                                   ments themselves.

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