Page 20 - Mini-Module 6
P. 20

●    staff feeling intimidated (or even scared of bullying
                                   themselves) make them turn a ‘blind eye’ to bullying.
                              ●    the difficulty with being consistent in consequences to
                                   bullying when bullies can become victims and vice
                                   versa, and when bullying can take so many forms
                                   from subtle harassment to physically injury.
                              ●    differences  between  ‘boys  and  girls’  and  the
                                   interpretation of what is a bullying acts by male and
                                   female staff.
                              ●    uncertainty of staff and feelings of lack of support
                                   when acting on bullying and then having to face
                                   parents – e.g. telling a parent that “your child is a
                                   bully” can be a difficult task.
                              Since most bullying behaviours occur during break times,
                              well-planned supervision at these times will reduce
                              bullying incidents.  Staff intervention in all bullying
                              situations, either overt or suspected, is essential.  I
                              ntervention clearly demonstrates the seriousness with
                              which the school views bullying, while non-intervention
                              implies it is somehow condoned.  Students will feel
                              comfortable  talking  to  adults  about  problems  they
                              experience if they know that the problem will be
                              acknowledged and addressed. Responses that indicate the
                              students are responsible for addressing the problem
                              themselves serve to support bullying behaviour.

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