Page 22 - Mini-Module 6
P. 22

2.   Short term responsibilities
                                ●    Record incident on tracking sheet or database.
                                ●    Determine if this is a repeat infraction.
                                ●    Proceed according to guidelines in Code of Conduct.
                                ●    Since bullying is generally a longstanding problem, place a call to
                                     the bully’s parents and follow up with a letter that describes the
                                     incident, defines bullying and outlines the Code of Conduct
                                     related to bullying.
                                ●    If this is a repeat offence, meet with the parents.
                                ●    Determine formative consequences by talking to the bully,
                                     his/her parents,  the co-bullies, and their parents, and by
                                     consulting the board and school policy.
                                ●    Make plans for monitoring the problem and its resolution.
                                ●    Determine if police are to be called because if it is an extortion,
                                     the school needs to liaise with the police.
                                ●    Discuss problems and approaches with mentor/teacher.

                           3.   Long Term Responsibilities
                                ●    Work with the bully and his/her co-bullies to develop their
                                     understanding of their responsibilities, the problem behaviour
                                     and its consequences.
                                ●    Work with the bully and co-bullies and teacher to determine
                                     opportunities for them to make amends.
                                ●    Determine  appropriate  formative  consequences  if  bullying
                                ●    Monitor for persistence of extortion and other forms of bullying
                                     by the boy/girl.

                         Step 7:   Implement and Monitor the School Plan

                              Includes the following processes:
                              ●    informing staff and parents of the school plan.
                              ●    conducting a school assembly or special event to
                                   launch the plan.
                              ●    review the plan.
                              ●    monitor the success of the plan.

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