Page 31 - Mini-Module 11
P. 31

The Summary

                        This, you will note, comes at the beginning, although it is the last thing you
                        write! Some people call it the executive summary. About 200 words or less
                        should be sufficient to explain succinctly the purpose of the report, what
                        you   discovered,   the   conclusions   you   reached   and   the   key
                        recommendations.  A  well‐written  summary  can  whet  the  appetite  and
                        encourage the reader to look at more of the report.
                        If  you  have  been  asked  to  make  recommendations,  you  should  use  this
                        opportunity to emphasise them. That way, they are going to be mentioned
                        three times in the report in varying forms, and that should reinforce the
                        Devote some time and effort to writing your summary. As people who both
                        write  and  receive  reports  (notice  we  did  not  say  'read'),  we  feel  it  is
                        probably the most important part. If it is skillfully written, makes sense and
                        outlines  some  persuasive  recommendations,  we  are  more  likely  to  be
                        influenced to treat the rest of the report seriously.


                           ●    Devote time to writing your summary.
                           ●    Write it in less than one page.
                           ●    Include   the   purpose,   main   findings,   conclusions   and

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