In order to investigate the effectiveness of horticultural activities in reducing the stress level of parents of autistic children, the Department of Special Education of The Education University of Hong Kong is conducting a study on the effects of horticultural therapy on the stress level of parents of autistic children, hoping that parents can relax and reduce their stress level through horticultural workshops, and build up a relationship with other parents to achieve mutual support.
This study was supported by the Innovative Teaching Fund of the Faculty of Education and Human Development (FEHD), The Education University of Hong Kong. The Integrated Centre For Wellbeing (I-WELL) is a practicum organization of the Hong Kong Association for Therapeutic Horticulture (HKATH).
If parents meet the requirements and are interested in participating in the study, please scan the QR code on the poster to apply. If you have any enquiries, please contact Ms. Chan Yee Kee (Tel: 6473 9114,, thank you.
This study was supported by the Innovative Teaching Fund of the Faculty of Education and Human Development (FEHD), The Education University of Hong Kong. The Integrated Centre For Wellbeing (I-WELL) is a practicum organization of the Hong Kong Association for Therapeutic Horticulture (HKATH).
If parents meet the requirements and are interested in participating in the study, please scan the QR code on the poster to apply. If you have any enquiries, please contact Ms. Chan Yee Kee (Tel: 6473 9114,, thank you.