类别 | 学系 | 科目编号 | 科目名称 |
NSA | CHL | GEN1014 | 囍?喜! |
NSA | CHL | GEN2001 | 智慧汉字与中华文化 |
NSA | LCS | GEN1011 | 中国礼文化的故事:诘问与反思 |
NSA | CCA | GEN1003 | 飞、字、游、器 |
NSA | CCA | GEN1004 | 透过艺术科技乐动中国音乐 |
NSA | CCA | GEN1005 | 探索音乐、科技与中国传统的创意潜力 |
GELS | CCA | GEF1005 | 从电影看人生 |
GELS | CCA | GEF1021 | 粤剧:中国美学的呈现 |
GELS | CCA | GEF1039 | 中国绘画:山、水、人、物的再现 |
GELS | CCA | GEF2038 | 石之美:中国玉器探微 石之美:中国玉器探微 |
GELS | CCA | GEG1005 | 中国礼器:美与象征的探寻 |
GELS | CCA | GEG1006 | 西方雕塑:美感及身体意象的觉醒 |
GELS | CCA | GEG1009 | 从香港传统乡土建筑看中国文化 |
GELS | CCA | GEH2048 | 音乐科技初阶 |
PAVE | CHL | GEK1027 | Multiculturalism and International Mindedness |
PAVE | CHL | GEK1038 | 智读圣贤「书」――《四书》的古学与今用 |
PAVE | CHL | GEK1039 | 涵泳经典文化:道教、佛教与正向人生 |
PAVE | CHL | GEK2031 | Positive Intercultural Communication in Everyday Life |
PAVE | CHL | GEK2033 | 中华经典、文化保育与文化安全 |
PAVE | ELE | GEK2020 | Positive Communication in Educational Settings |
PAVE | LCS | GEK1030 | 儒家的道德理论及其于当代社会的实践 |
PAVE | CCA | GEK2002 | 心灵乐与怒 |
GEICs | ELE | GEI4003 | Ideals and Reality: Urban Environments |
GEICs | LCS | GEI4005 | Biographical Films: Arts, Societies and Human Development |
GEICs | LCS | GEI4011 | Work: From Factory Floor to Our Robot Future |
Any aspect of the course and course offerings (including, without limitation, the content of the Course and the manner in which the Course is taught) may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the University. Without limiting the right of the University to amend the course and its course offerings, it is envisaged that changes may be required due to factors such as staffing, enrolment levels, logistical arrangements and curriculum changes.