Page 35 - Overview
P. 35
Six-Step Agency Project
1 Propose a Field of Inquiry * — What aspect of school leadership?
What area of school improvement / student learning do you want
to investigate? How do these link together?
2 Establish Lines of Inquiry — Analyse the issues, come up with the
‘scope’ of the inquiry. Establish specific lines of inquiry — there
may be more than one at the onset of the project — be creative.
3 Form a (wider) Inquiry Group – Who beyond your Alliance will
assist with the inquiry? Who in your school should be linked into
this investigation? Should there be links to other schools?
4 Develop a Plan on a Page – Plan how you are going to do the
investigation. How will you ‘pursue’ the line of inquiry?
5 Carry Out the Plan - Do It! – Do the investigation, collect
information, source evidence, collect data, try out ideas, etc.
Remember things will NOT always go to plan.
6 Reflect and Report – What has been the impact of the Inquiry?
What has been learnt? Is there any impact on student outcomes?
Is there any impact on school policy or procedure? What impact
has there been on staff?
* You must seek approval from your principal and/or liaison. They will also
provide comments. If the principal does not know/support what you are
doing, it is unlikely to make a difference.