Page 32 - Overview
P. 32

Outcome 2:

               Learning Postcards

               during Links you will be asked to write/produce a Learning Postcard*.  These
               are short/sharp pieces of writing and/or symbolism which you believe are worth
               sharing with other leaders.

               A  Postcard  contains  a  message  and  a  picture  that  taken  together  provokes
               thought, or a smile, a conversation, a reaction, or even change (hopefully).

               some of the different purposes of a Postcard may be to:

                  1.   share a problem you are facing at schools

                  2.   share something you have learnt recently

                  3.   share an issue where you want to provoke a reaction or challenge

                  4.   Pose a question you’ve always wanted answered

                  5.   share a technique of something interesting you’ve come across which
                      will help your colleagues’ leadership or lives

                  6.   share something relatively unimportant which is fun

                           *I’m  afraid we will have to  retain the right to
                            change the words  and/or image  if we deem
                             them  offensive, but won’t do this without talking
                             to you.

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