Page 34 - Overview
P. 34

Outcome 3:

                Agency Project

                Each  Learning  Alliance  will  complete  a  school-driven  inquiry  which  aims  to
                ‘make  a  positive  difference’  in  the  school.  This  is  called  the  Agency  Project
                and  will  be  the  key  outcome  of  Links.    it  should  target  an  area  which  is
                relevant to leading and student learning.

                successful  leaders  are  regular  and  active  inquirers  -  curiosity  is  an  integral
                component of their leadership. inquiry implies a ‘need to know’. it is not so
                much seeking the right answer - because often there is no such thing - but rather
                seeking appropriate resolutions to questions and issues about how to improve
                school performance and student outcomes.

                The focus of the inquiry will be negotiated with the principal and or the Links liaison.
                Alliances will regularly update the principal on their progress.  it will be built upon
                a real issue / problem / intervention confronting the school. The importance
                of the project must be justified and defended by each Alliance in terms of its
                potential to make a noticeable difference.

                inquiry as a process of leadership:

                  >     is evidence-based – is grounded in data and information

                  >     is collaborative – works with and through others

                  >     is creative – seeks new and innovative solutions

                  >     is about questioning – values, structures, traditions, purposes and vision

                  >     is real - grounded in school context and actual experience

                Through the inquiry process leaders construct much of their understanding of
                ‘what works’ in schools.  Equally, through dealing with different facets of an
                inquiry, they can often arrive at constructive and creative solutions.

                more  information  will  be  provided  in  a  separate  booklet.  You  can  find
                previous Agency Projects at


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