Page 12 - Overview
P. 12
Why Links
Although leaders need certain knowledge and skills to be effective, successful
leaders are those who intentionally work out what is important to students and
then link their actions to those beliefs and values.
Links encourages participants to link what they learn during the programme
with who they are and what they do as leaders in their schools and EsF as a
whole. An important part of doing this is to link learning with the EsF Leadership
Capability Framework.
Leadership is not (or at least should not be) an individual endeavour. it is
about working with and through others within uncertain, sometimes very
different, contexts. in these terms successful leadership can be described as a
series of linkages.
> Leaders work together to make a positive difference to students in
their school. They link the work of colleagues to the context and realities
of their schools.
> Leaders build networks with other schools and agencies. They link the
school with learning and support beyond their immediate boundaries.
> Leaders relate up, down, through and around formal structures and
across cultures. They link intellectually, socially and emotionally with
students, colleagues and parents.
> Leaders are responsible for establishing and maintaining the alignment
and coherence of learning, programmes and people in and beyond their
schools. They link everything that happens in the school to improved
outcomes for students.
> Leaders in international schools have a global agenda. They link their
work locally, regionally and globally. importantly, this ensures students
are successful in different educational, work and social settings around
the world.
The purpose of Links is to help leaders make the links
which underpin successful leadership.