Page 20 - Leadership Platform
P. 20

Keep, Change, Try:

               A process for critical self-reflection

               The  process  of  prior  critical  self  reflection  is  by  definition  a  thoughtful  and
               truthful examination of a person’s views and beliefs about what is important in
               education and in school leadership.

               It has long been recognized that thinking about an ideal, issue or problem can
               lead to enhanced educational practice.  Perhaps the best known writer about
               reflective practice is Schön.  As far back as 1987, Schön proposed educating
               the  teacher  as  a  reflective  practitioner.  While  Schön  (1983,  1988)  suggested
               two  ways  through  which  reflection  can  be    accomplished;  reflection-in-
               action  and  reflection-on-action,  others  since  then  have  affirmed  that  critical
               reflection contributes to better practice.

               The  process  of  prior  critical  self-reflection  that  we  advocate  is  for  school
               leaders to ask themselves questions – and answer them honestly – about school
               leadership practice.

               We suggest that a good way of doing this is, “Keep, Change, Try”.

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