Page 17 - Leadership Platform
P. 17

Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird said “You never really understand a person
               until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and
               walk around in it”. I think empathy is very important in leadership and it can be
               an advantage as it is a mirror to how others perceive your own decisions.

               So how would people perceive me as a leader in terms of the LINKS leadership
               metaphors? Sometimes I am a boundary rider, making things easier for my team,
               and sometimes I am at the hub, a central point of reference; I think that flexibility
               is fine as long as it is coupled with purpose.


               Einstein said “The important thing is not to stop questioning”.
               I think that this can lead to efficiency in the fast changing world of education as
               we need to prioritise change. I agree with Peter Drucker’s statement that “There
               is nothing as useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all”.

               Nonetheless, a core part of a Leader’s job is implementing change. That change,
               even when it has clear benefits, will not always be popular. But it helps if you
               have been working towards a happy environment in your team. I have decided
               that a few cakes help collaboration. And that’s one thing that we have definitely
               learnt on the LINKS course!
               Going on?

               Sometimes good strategies can be muddled by over-elaboration. I hope that my
               Platform will be a useful snapshot of what I think about leadership now. If I go
               on much more it will not be something my memory can easily recall, limiting its
               usefulness, so I am stopping here. But my thoughts on what it means to be a
               good leader won’t.

                                                  Jonathan Barton, Sha Tin College

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