Page 19 - Leadership Platform
P. 19
Leadership Philosophy
Leadership is not an Ego trip: it’s as much about listening to the ideas of the
talented people within your team as imposing on them the ideas you perceive
are the best way to go.
Leadership is about listening: it’s the small things: it’s about recognizing the
small things people do contribute to the success of the team as a whole and
building on it.
A good leader isn’t necessarily the most talented topic expert within the group.
A bad leader is definitely someone who thinks they are.
It’s important the person who shouts loudest isn’t always seen as the person
with the right direction. It’s important everybody gets their say.
A good leader has honesty and integrity: It’s important that the group you are to
lead can trust in your assurance that what you suggest is what you will do rather
than a presentation of what you might or could but possibly don’t see through.
Educational leadership is not about a legacy, about self promotion: It’s humility,
listening and hard work. You don’t decide your own legacy: It’s what’s left after
you’ve gone that determines the effectiveness of your leadership.
Derek Irwin, Island School