Page 23 - Leadership Platform
P. 23
Keep, Change, Try:
A process for critical self-reflection
The following are some issues which deserve deep thought. In your current
school, ask yourself the Keep, Change, Try, questions:
> How your school currently manages general staff meetings.
> Your current policy and stand on students and Facebook
(or other social networking).
> The frequency of communication with parents and its purpose.
> How your school measures improvement, what evidence is used, how it
is collected.
> How the school’s vision of the future has been formed and is it shared or
> The processes for monitoring the improvement in a teacher’s work.
> The school leadership’s willingness to support or to be the champion of
various change proposals.
> How information on school financial issues is shared - or not - with staff.
As previously noted, the ESF Capability Framework provides a guiding framework
around which to think about and propose questions to ask.
Truthful and thoughtful responses to Keep, Change and Try will help to reveal
yours and other’s underlying values and beliefs about educational leadership.