Page 25 - Leadership Platform
P. 25
The process of critical self-reflection does not happen in isolation. The
process of constructing a meaningful platform depends on sharing and
clarifying beliefs and practices with others. This means discussing values
and beliefs about education and leadership with others. This helps you see
yourself through, to the eyes of others - scary, but good. We hope you’ll have
plenty of discussion about your platform with your Alliance comrades.
The process of improving a teacher’s capacity in your unit to deliver effective
teaching and learning begins with the development of an Educational
Platform, and the process of improving school leadership commences with
the development of an educational leadership platform. One way to present
this platform is through a personal statement of educational leadership, which
is a summary statement of the individual’s values and beliefs about what is
important, why it’s important, what works and what needs to happen if school
leadership is to be effective in improving student learning and lives.
One of the three major outputs of Links is a Leadership Platform.