Page 15 - Leadership Platform
P. 15
What does a Platform ‘look’
A leadership platform is a set of beliefs and understandings about leadership in
schools. As such, it can take any number of different forms.
One of the simplest, yet most powerful, is a Personal Statement of
Educational Leadership. In essence, this is a summary statement which
captures an individual’s values and beliefs about what is important, what
works and what needs to happen if they are to be effective in improving
student learning and lives.
Some examples of platforms are attached for your consideration. These were
done by your colleagues in a number of schools (there are many more on the
Links website). There is no ‘one best way’ to build a platform. The real tests are
incorporated in the following questions:
> Does the platform guide your actions?
> Does your platform clearly communicate your beliefs?
> Does it put people to sleep?
> Do you know it without reading it?