Page 18 - Leadership Platform
P. 18

EXAMPLE 2: My Leadership Platform

               Education Philosophy

                    Education is for all: every child has to feel they can succeed.
                    Every child has to want to do their best.
                    “Best” doesn’t have to be the same for every child.
                    Every child in the class matters and every child does their best.
               My role is to support and encourage that enthusiasm.

               I measure that success in many ways:  the involvement and engagement from
               the differing abilities within the group. The increased involvement of the shy
               child who previously saw themselves as less able than others in the group, the
               child for whom the subject hasn’t been easy who enthusiastically shouts out at
               the end of a pre assessment revision session  ”I’m gonna ace this one  Irwin”.
               That’s success on 2 levels: They’ve worked hard and the reward has been the
               confidence to tackle a hitherto challenging subject assessment and “Irwin” the
               bond of understanding that gives them the knowledge that they might refer to
               me as Irwin: an informal, familiar way children over hearing them might think
               cheeky but that they know has come from an un-written contract between us
               that we both do our best for their good.
               Success is best when you are surprised by it: One example is the parent who
               introduced themselves to me as the parents of a student who did the AYP with
               me. They went on to say their daughter was in the second year at university and
               had recently spoke of her most memorable learning experience from her time
               in school: Apparently it was when I’d taken her to task on the top of a mountain
               (KKShan) because having gone the wrong way she’d deserted the rest of her
               team and turned a difficult situation into a potential disaster by her failure to
               consult and work collaboratively with the rest of her group.

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