Page 10 - Leadership Platform
P. 10

Building an Educational

               Leadership Platform

               During  Links,  participants  are  invited  to  reflect  critically  on  their
               leadership  potential  and  capabilities  in  order  to  review  and  make
               explicit their leadership platform.

               To  understand  a  personal  educational  leadership  platform,  think  about  a
               politician’s  platform.    This  is  a  set  of  values  and  beliefs  framed  by  slogans,
               promises  and  policies  that  supposedly  enable  the  voter  to  predict  how
               the  politician  will  behave  and  act  if  elected.  This  is  different  from  an  ICT
               platform,  which  is  a  software  programme  that  enables  digital  systems  to  be
               created.  It is also different from a transport platform.  These are hubs, each
               a  place  in  time  and  space  where  passengers  can  connect  routes  and  link

               A leadership platform can be seen as a combination of these concepts.  It is
               at  the  same  time  a  starting  point,  a  hub  and  a  point  of  reference  by  which
               informed  leadership  practice  can  be  understood.    Most  importantly  it
               provides a stable (though certainly not static) foundation from which leaders
               can  readily  make  decisions,  evaluate  issues  and  embark  on  an  inquiry  into
               change  and  improvement.    The  leader’s  platform  is  what  guides  leadership
               action,  informs  decision  making  and  enables  others  to  know  their  leader
               and  what  they  stand  for.    As  such,  leaders  explicitly  share  and  actively
               communicate their platforms.

               A  serious  word  of  warning  here,  no  matter  how  fancy,  high-sounding  or
               pretty,  if  not  lived  through  your  actions,  it  is  meaningless.    In  fact,  if  you
               hold  up  a  platform  but  do  act  in  line  with  the  espoused  beliefs,  you  will
               quickly lose the trust and respect of those we attempt to lead. Leadership is
               something  others  give  you,  not  simply  something  you  get  with  a  formal

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