Page 35 - Sponsor Booklet
P. 35
Shadow Learning: Variations on the Theme
Over the last few years we have found that different Learning Squares
and individuals benefited from different forms of shadowing. In line
with the beliefs of the programme you should feel free to adjust the
shadowing experience to suit your needs.
1. ‘Reverse Shadowing’. Where the Sponsor shadowed each BP
(time consuming, but worthwhile).
2. ‘Clustered Shadowing’. Where the Learning Square members as
a group shadowed two or three different principals for a shorter
time (for example, for an hour or two each).
3. ‘Classroom Shadowing’. Where the BP/s shadowed an
outstanding teacher or vice-principal while targeting a specific
issue (for example, a meeting on the implementation of the New
Secondary School Curriculum). This involved a form of
classroom observation.
4. ‘Peer Shadowing’. Where the BPs shadowed each other for a
period of time and then with their Sponsor to discuss
observations and pose questions.
5. ‘Student Shadowing’. Where the BP/s shadowed a student for a
period of time to understand more about their day. This form of
shadowing requires careful planning as students tend to ‘be on
their best behaviour’ if the principal is around.
6. ‘Eclectic Shadowing’. A combination of the above approaches.
We don’t mind which forms of shadowing you use as long as you get
the OK from your Sponsor and can justify WHY you want to do it a
particular way. We look forward to hearing about any new worthwhile
variations you develop.