Page 33 - Sponsor Booklet
P. 33
Sponsor and Shadow Learning
During blue skies each BP will shadow their Sponsor. The shadow
learning experience may have two parts*. These are:
1. The actual shadowing
2. A follow up interview
The total experience (including the interview) should equal
approximately one working day. It may either be done in one block or
over a number of occasions. The interview itself should last for
approximately an hour — this is included in the day. Shadowing may
be done on a one-to-one basis or as Learning Square.
Shadow Learning: Shadowing may involve a BP in accompanying /
following you as you go about your normal school day (if there is any
such thing!). As they shadow you they will take very brief notes.
These will form the basis of the interview and later
reflections. As the BPs shadow you they will attempt to remain as
unobtrusive as possible and not ‘get in the way’. If a matter is
particularly delicate or confidential they may have to move away for a
while, but hopefully this won’t happen too much. Your job during the
shadowing period is just to be yourself and do whatever you would
normally do.
Interview: At the end of the shadowing period the BP has been asked
to interview you about what they observed — this could be done
during a Learning Square Meeting. The purpose of the interview is to
ask you to explain what you did and why you did it. This will help
them understand your actions (in similar situations) and thought
* BPs will also be asked to reflect upon your experience.