Page 40 - Sponsor Booklet
P. 40

Giving and Receiving Feedback

                          Skills of Giving Constructive Feedback

                          Constructive Feedback in blue skies.  Feedback is  an important
                          component of blue skies and a mutually beneficial process.  It is a way
                          of helping BPs and Sponsors to learn more about themselves, the way
                          they impact on others and their effectiveness.

                          Feedback must be a constructive experience. To be constructive, it
                          should offer options for development.   Whether the feedback is
                          positive or negative, it needs to be given skillfully.  If feedback is not
                          skillfully given it can be destructive and leave receivers feeling

                          threatened, perhaps lowering their self-esteem or even making them
                          defensive and resentful.

                          Feedback in blue skies

                          ●   Sponsors delivering the  blue  skies should always be looking  for
                              opportunities  to reinforce excellence  through feedback based  on  the
                              development needs of BPs.  Feedback may be given in a wide range of
                              formal and informal situations during the blue skies process, but above
                              all, it is central to the Learning Square procedure.
                          ●   There are guidelines which can assist in giving skilful and constructive
                              feedback, but the  key lies  in the  accurate  collection and recording of
                              evidence about the receiver and the impact of their actions on others.
                              The guidelines below should be applied with common sense  and
                              sensitivity to take account of the different situations of each individual
                              involved. However, this  does  not mean  that  difficult issues should be
                              avoided. As an Sponsor once said:  “It’s too easy to give the positive
                              and opt out of giving the negative.”

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