Page 46 - Mini-Module 9
P. 46


                         Regulation 58 of the Education Regulations reads: “No teacher shall
                         administer  corporal punishment  to a pupil.” A contravention of this
                         regulation could be a criminal offence. Depending on the gravity of the

                         corporal punishment meted out, the charge could range from common
                         assault to wounding.

                         Other forms of punishment must be exercised reasonably. In T v Kan Ki
                         Leung (2001) an 18 year old student was suspended from lessons and
                         told to complete work in an open area. He was ridiculed and suffered
                         schizophrenia. He successfully claimed damages. The court held that a
                         teacher is under a duty to avoid harm to a student by the imposition of

                         immoderate and unreasonable punishment, and under a duty to take
                         positive steps to protect his well-being. These duties are owed to all
                         students regardless of age.

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