Page 43 - Mini-Module 9
P. 43

                           By contrast, in the earlier case of Wright v Cheshire County Council
                           (1952) the student who suffered injuries was unable to claim damages
                           for injuries suffered when he fell doing gymnastics, because the judge

                           ruled that the teacher was not negligent by leaving other boys who had
                           been properly trained to use a method to provide support in the usual
                           manner. The Judge said:

                           “There may well be some risk in everything one does or in every step
                           one takes, but in ordinary everyday affairs the test of what is

                           reasonable care may well be answered by experience from which arises
                           a practice adopted generally, and followed successfully over the years
                           so far as the evidence in this case goes.”

                           Danger of another kind exists in laboratories. A fifteen year old boy

                           was engaged in a chemistry lesson consisting of 28 students. Each was
                           directed to take apiece of phosphorous for use in an experiment. The
                           boy took one piece and placed it in his pocket, and went for another

                           piece for his experiment. The piece in his pocket caught alight and the
                           boy suffered burns. A claim for damages was not successful because
                           the judge held that the boy had  been warned beforehand of the
                           dangers of phosphorous and he was experienced enough in chemistry

                           to appreciate the dangers. This would clearly be different if a younger
                           student with less experience in chemistry was involved, particularly if
                           he had not been warned beforehand of the dangers of the chemical.

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