Page 51 - Mini-Module 9
P. 51

Principle 2: Accuracy and Duration of Retention

                          This provides that personal data should be accurate, up-to-date and
                          kept no longer than necessary.

                          Situation: Can the school keep copies of the identity cards of students?

                          Unless there is a reason for collecting this data that concerns the

                          school’s operations of teaching and learning, it may be difficult to justify
                          the retention of a copy of the identity card of students.

                          Principle 3: Use of Personal Data

                          This provides that unless the data subject gives consent otherwise
                          personal data should be used for the purposes for which they were
                          collected or a directly related purpose.

                          Situation: Can parents properly ask for personal data of students –
                          such as the disciplinary record?

                          Parents of students who are not of age (18 years) are entitled to
                          information of their child as they have parental rights. However the

                          school should not divulge information of students who are over 18 years
                          to parents without the consent of the student.

                           Law enforcement agencies such as  the police may be entitled to the
                           personal data of students or teachers if they can satisfy the school that

                           they require the information in the course of investigating or preventing
                           the occurrence of a crime or other improper conduct. In this instance the
                           school will not be in breach of the data protection principles as it is

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