Page 41 - Mini-Module 9
P. 41

Supervision en masse

                                There can be problems extending supervision and care to
                                large masses of children at the same time, and the courts

                                recognize the propensity of young children and the need to
                                apply a different standard of care, depending on the context.
                                What is necessary in any instance is to prevent any pupil
                                under care from suffering injury from inanimate objects,

                                from the actions of fellow pupils or from a combination of
                                the two.

                                In Beaumont v Surrey County Council (1968)     18,   Beaumont
                                was sitting in the school playground during a break. A PE

                                teacher had just changed an elastic strip from a trampette in
                                the gymnasium and thrown it into a waste bin. Two other
                                boys had found it and started playing with it. The elastic was

                                stretched and when released  it hit Beaumont in the eye,
                                nearly blinding him. The Court found the school liable and
                                awarded damages to Beaumont.

                                 Scope of Teaching

                                 Teachers often engage students in duties which are beyond

                                 writing and reading and the classroom. In Cooper v
                                 Manchester Corporation (1959) a Cooper was directed by
                                 her teacher to carry a large pot of tea to the staff room just

                                 before the break. It was the custom in this school for older
                                 girls to take turns to make tea for the staff. As Cooper was
                                 carrying the pot, a boy ran into her unexpectedly and caused
                                 her to be scalded by the tea. Her claim for damages was


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