Page 38 - Mini-Module 9
P. 38

The Duty to Pupils

                          Parents entrust their children to schools and can expect them to be
                          adequately protected. Teachers take over some of the legal rights

                          and duties of parents. These include the rights of control and
                          discipline, and duties such as care and protection. On the other
                          hand the law expressly provides  criminal sanctions for certain

                          behaviour, including physical or sexual assault, and parents and
                          students are provided redress through such causes of action as
                          negligence. In this section we shall examine the role of the school in
                          dealing with students on a day to day basis.

                              Teachers stand in as parents (in loco parentis)

                              The UK case of Williams v Eady (1893) is probably the first
                              known case in which the court pronounced that:

                              “The School Master was bound to take such care of his boys

                              as a careful father would take care of his boys, and there
                              could be no better definition of the duty of a school master.”

                              In this case a number of bottles were put among other
                              equipment in a room at the school. The room was locked but
                              the boys had easy access to the key. One of the boys gained

                              access to the room, found a bottle of phosphorous, shook it
                              up and lit a match to it. The bottle exploded and Williams
                              was injured. The school was found negligent.

                              the context.

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