Page 36 - Mini-Module 9
P. 36

Can a teacher work part time in other employment?

                       The Codes of Aid stipulate that a  teacher employed full time in an
                       aided school shall not engage in teaching outside the school except

                       with the prior approval of the Supervisor. If the work is other than
                       teaching, the Supervisor must also be satisfied that the work outside
                       contributes to the public good and are not as such as to interfere with

                       the efficient performance of the teacher’s normal duties.

                       Can a principal stipulate what a teacher has to wear to school?

                       In theory a principal can set down a dress code provided that nothing
                       in it is discriminatory, and it is reasonable. The dress code should be
                       proportional to the teacher’s salary.


                       The Codes of Aid and the Guidelines and Forms related to Codes of Aid
                       for Primary, Secondary and Special Schools can be downloaded at


                       The Employment Ordinance Cap 57 of the Laws of Hong Kong.

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