Page 34 - Mini-Module 9
P. 34

Problem Teachers

                              Violent behaviour – this is usually viewed very seriously and
                              often gives rise to dismissal.  However, investigate carefully
                              and impartially before taking  any action e.g. if force was
                              taken to break up a fight between students. The force must

                              also be considered relative to the circumstances, in that it
                              may have been out of proportion to that required, or
                              because of a lack of good judgment rather than an intention

                              to cause serious harm. In such cases a warning may be

                              Abusive language - Judges are known to have remarked that
                              courts should be careful not to attach too great an
                              importance to words used in the heat of the moment or in
                              anger, but there are limits to tolerance. If pupils or parents

                              are involved, this should result in disciplinary action
                              regardless of how serious the provocation. Abusive language
                              between colleagues may not always be serious disciplinary

                              conduct, much depending on the context.

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